This incredible fish-out-of-water story follows the adventures of Steve Glew, a small-town Michigan man, who boards a plane for Eastern Europe soon after the fall of the Berlin Wall. His mission is to locate a secret factory that holds the key to the most desired and valuable Pez dispensers. If he succeeds, he will pull his family out of debt and finally be able to quit his job of 25 years. Steve becomes the hero of his own adventure, smuggling the rarest of goods into the U.S. and making millions in the process. It was all magical, until his arch-nemesis, The Pezident decided to destroy him.
Reached #7 on Netflix US Charts
You can watch the film on Netflix today.
ProductionSidestilt FilmsDirectorAmy Bandlien Storkel, Bryan StorkelEditorAmy Bandlien Storkel, Bryan Storkel, Evan VetterDPBritton FosterColorArianna PaneSound DesignLawrence EversonYear2022Linkschedule.sxsw.com